Wednesday, November 5, 2008

About the Society

"Any wind will take you there... if you don't know where you're going"

Founded in 1909 in memory of Joshua Slocum and others explorers lost without a trace and to commemorate all such ill fated expeditions, the society has many active members around the globe, however we have never seen the need for regular meetings.

Although we accept e-mails, the society encourages electronic liberation, thus priority will be given to messages recieved floating in a bottle or shouted across the transom.

The membership by and large consists of curmudgeons, scoundrels, scalliwags, ruffians or ner'do wells, who continue to boldly explore despite not knowing what they are looking for.

We are the men of which legends are made...primarily because we are very good at creating legends about ourselves. The society seeks to continually improve upon and embellish these legends, and to preserve and promote our ancient nautical traditions.

We are dedicated to the proposition that most of the world's greatest discoveries have been made by sailors who were lost, and lament that in this age of GPS and instant global communication, it is increasingly difficult to actually get lost.

Our members continue to explore, using only dead reckoning and a finger to the wind, sailing the world without fear (or charts).

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