Thursday, October 16, 2008

Society Membership

All members should be experienced and knowledgeable seamen , with enough experience and time at sea to have been totally terrorized, and to have sworn that if they returned safely to land they would never venture out again !!

  • Members should demonstrate a complete and utter disregard for any item of yachting attire

  • Log book if available is usually wet, or missing entries

  • Not a member of any recognized yacht club except for the purposes of a scam, hot shower, free drinks or a free berthing

  • Float coats or other floatation devices are worn out, dirty and don't float

  • Destinations and courses should be determined only by favourable wind and sea conditions, except when asked to leave anchorages by irrate port authorities

  • Can discourse with articulate passion on the perils and evils of boats other than wood, especially power boats and jet skis. Some steel hulled tug boats are exempt

  • Usually becomes incoherent when discussing politics, economics, the future of civilization or fiberglass boats (see above)

  • Frequents hardware stores, ship chandelries, lumber yards and boat yards (even in the dead of winter)

  • Always has an understanding, forgiving and saintly spouse, partner, traveling companion or significant other which entitles the aforementioned partner to the honorary rank of ADMIRABLE IN PERPETUITY

  • Although members may under some special circumstances own a boat, must be willing to admit that sailing on another skippers vessel is far less work and more economical